24 x 36in Archival Photographic prints


Finish *

Additional Services

Artwork supplied *


We use Kodak Endura paper for all our exhibition quality photographic digital prints in a range of gloss, lustre or metallic. Fuji Super gloss paper is also available. We print on a Durst Epsilon printer. It prints onto true photographic paper using light, not ink, at 254 dpi. Manual colour, density, contrast and saturation adjustment by a skilled technician is included with this service. For a discounted basic output please see our Digital Dollar Saver prints on page 12.

When printing from digital file

Please provide your digital files set up as 254 dpi, 8 bit flattened TIFF files. Test prints are available for 10.50 each and our technicians will perform additional image adjustments if needed for no extra charge.

When printing from film

We can print from almost any type of film from 110 colour negative to 8 x 10 in transparency. Our technicians will perform a high end scan and adjust the scanned image in photoshop to your given specifications. Test prints are available for 10.50 each and you can purchase the file we have set up for printing for a highly discounted price. Please note that International Standard (ISO 216) paper sizes are listed as a pricing guide, the measurements do not correspond to the photographic sizes listed alongside.

Shipping & Delivery
For film purchases online the stock will be dispatched within 1 working day. For processing it can be dispatched within 1-2 working days. All other services will be dispatched between 2-4 working days. Please note that these times are production lead times and postage times will be additional to that. Please contact us if you have any questions.